Well where to begin where to begin. First I'd like to take a moment and say a special prayer in honor Bogart's Dad. My friend you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time please know that mommy and I hope for nothing but the best and are here if you need us. Now onto the award. Mom got a package in the mail last week and it was from the American Cancer Society so Mom and I thought oh just the packet information for this years Dogswalk but oh no not at all. It was for all of us Romeo included for our crusade last year for raising OVER $500 for cancer research for us pups, cats, and hammies. So Mom, Romeo(who's asked us to mention him in this) and myself want to thank all of our friends who either walked with us in person or in spirit or who donated for this great cause. We hope that any of you in our area will be able to walk with us this year. But we've heard from our t-shirt designer that there will be new t-shirts being designed this year. I know I can't wait and I think my brother might even be there. We're hoping Luna, Asta, Smitty, Jessie and of course Jeeves shows up again this year. We're really hoping some more pups show up to walk with us. We'd really love it.
Now mom's requested off from work for the big walk next month in honor of dad. She's gotta email those people to make sure I can come. Why wouldn't they allow me to come is what I wanted to know? Don't they know I'm doing this in memory of my awesome dad who left us far too soon? So I've told you all about my new friend right? His name's Scott and mom has him come three times a week to run me and spend time with me. Apparently wire guilt is awesome cause Scott and I have a blast. Scott has this new game that we play called "See who catches it first". It's where Scott throws the ball and I race him to get it first. Now this silly man thinks he can outrun me HA! Mom warned him I'm called a wire for a reason. I hear him say "GO OZ!" and off I go. Let me tell you my friends I beat him 9 out of 10 times. But he always says the funniest thing to me "Wow Oz you're fast that was fun let's do it again?!" Mom says he must not be wrapped too tight to want to do that over and over again with me. I am not too sure what she means by that but I enjoy myself. Grandma swears I hear him coming up the street to come get me. He does promise that once it gets warmer out we're actually going to run on the Rail Trail! Oh man I can't wait for that.
So I got groomed last week and I have to say I'm looking pretty spiffy. The groomer asked mom how I was the one who got picked and Mom informed her cause nobody could handle my wirey-ness. I'm not too sure what that's supposed to mean but I have to say I think I'd be really lost without my mom and grandma. My mom talked to Romeo's new 'rents and he seems to be doing extremely well. He's even got himself a new girlfriend. So mom's happy to hear that. She's even more happy to hear she's allowed to visit whenever she wants. Mom admits it most likely won't ever happen because she misses and loves Romeo quite a lot but just keeping a tab on him is more than enough for now. So I'm outta here it's time for bed. Mom has classes tomorrow and then she's off so I have snuggle time. Thank you all for your help with our cause I promise to post a picture of that award as soon as possible. Please please please say a prayer or two for Bogart's dad. Lots of wirey hugs, prayers and kisses coming all the way from New York to make sure he gets better.
Wirey kisses,
It's gweat to heaw fwom you!
congwatulations on that awad..that is twuly pawsome! I 'm pwoud to know you!!!
how gweat that you have a guy willing to wace you(suckew, hehehhehe) he obviously doesn't know wiwes, heheheheh of couwse you aways win!!!huwwwah!!!
I'm also glad to heaw that Womeo is doing gweat..I'm suwe it's hawd fow youw Mom..we undewstand, butI know She found womeo the bestest place evew..and giwlfwiend too???cool!
We awe pwaying vewy hawd fow Bogie's DAd!!!
I hope to see you sometime soon
love and smoochie kisses
Dearest Ozzy,Well we certainly know how hard it must of been for your Mom to rehome Romeo,PL2 can really relate but it wounds as if he is having a super time........adn you too!!! We send all of you a zillion kisses and hugs....Well we won't be a the walk( but will in spiorit) but will donate( have I missed where to send it yet?) and will certainly get a shirt as we ADORE our ones from last year!!1 Love and a squillion kisses A+A+PL2
Glad to hear Romeo is doing good and I hope you get to go to the walk. I'm sur they'll let you go! Your new friend sounds really cool!!! Think he can make a trip to Colorado a couple times a week to visit me?
Dear Ozzy,
Congratulations on the award!!! That is great news. We are so glad that Romeo is adjusting to his new family. Can you please send my Mom and Dad info on the walk? Please send the info to johnmarra@hotmail.com
Hope to see you soon.
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