Friday, August 18, 2006

Terrierific News on Tilly

Hey all just wanted to let you know Tilly is home and doing good. I have read that she is even walking with some help even stumbling and getting a bit exhausted but her mom Brenda said compared to 10 days ago that's PERFECT almost. Mom is a little choked up at the good news but hey I don't blame her one bit I am too.
Tilly even ate a bit on her own if she does that a few more times they say that feeding tube will come out. She even drank water when the vet said you had to force water her.
Her son Robbie is going bonkers (like a true terrier) 'cuz his mum is home finally.
Tilly my friend keep up the good work and we'll keep up them prayers and good thoughts!!

Wirey hugs, dances and kisses!
I'm 9 months old as of yesterday!! Woohoo go me!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Ozzy,

That's GREAT news about Tilly - all of our doggie wishes must have helped ! I hope that she continues to get better and will be back to normal soon.

Happy 9th month Barkday too - man, it's SOOOO long ago wince I was that young :-)


Sunshade said...

Hey Ozzy,

Good Tilly, what a great little terrier she is, she never gave up!!! Sending lots of Aire-ZENs over.

Thanks for vising my blog, hope to see you there often!

Your new friend,
Miss Sunshade