Well it's almost the New Year and do you know I can not wait for this year to end. Betcha can't guess why? Today was grooming day so we went to our friend Wendy's shop and stayed all day. Now let me just clarify for the record I did not mind being there. Wendy is such a sweet lady and her place is always fun. So going there is really like doggie day camp. I mean yes I have to get groomed but she makes it so quick that it's not that bad. Mom was even there for most of the day and had herself a good time.
We got to watch her laugh and enjoy herself. That's always a good thing. I even got to hang out with some German Shephard police dogs. The bitch was not the friendliest girl around but the guy wasn't half bad. I of course wanted to remind her who was in charge. Mom mentioned something about her eatting me in one bite if I bothered her anymore. Pah-lease I'm a tough pup. The holidays weren't so bad. Mom bought us a cheap little squeaker ball and some chewies. Our neighbor Michelle who gives us scritchies all the time bought us a stocking with chewies in it. Did I mention we had roast beef, mashed tatties and gravy with veggies to boot for Christmas dinner? Oh yes I was a spoiled boy. Mom mentioned something about maybe going to work with Wendy at her shop answering the phones. She said we'll see but wow going to Wendy's place to work with mom?! I hope it goes through. Mom needs socialization just as much as I do. HAHAHA! Please don't tell her I typed that. She'd have my hide for teasing her like that. Well I'm going to go watch TV with mom. I hear I've earned it for being a good boy today.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves for the holidays and have a great New Year.
Wirey hugs,
Welcome to the wonderful life of a pup named Ozzy. Sit back and enjoy the ride. You might just enjoy your visit.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Daddy

I of course would have snuggled up with him and watched our favorite thing on TV. . . . FOOTBALL! It was always a great thing to do and would have involved snacks. Then there would have been cake which dad would have snuck to us while mom said babe no cake for the boys. She was always a spoil sport that way. Though Dad never seemed to listen to her. No wonder she said I'm just like my father the other day. Mom says that in honor of dad she'll make one of his favorite meals. . . . . . fried chicken. Oh gosh I am now counting down the minutes until dinner is served. The other day we lucked out with some yummy salmon added to our dinner. I always enjoy the salmon filets that she throws in there from time to time.
I have heard that if it's not too bad out tomorrow we'll go do our usual ballfield run. I'm crossing my paws that this one actually happens.
Well it's time for my night walk and I really need to go potty. Have a good week all.
Take care.
Wirey hugs,
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Well it's snowing here today and mom said if it gets a bit deeper we're going for a run. I don't think we'll be going back to Vassar Farms for a while. It's been how many days since my daddy passed? Too many and we're all healing and coping. Mom says she knows no other way to explain it. Life is too quiet without him. I have no one to beat up on mom is too fragile unlike dad who'd take it and give it back. Mom said dad would have had a blast with the snow while moaning and groaning over the fact that he'd have to shovel. He was funny that way he'd love the way the snow'd look but HATED the cold and shovelling. We are so overwhelmed and in awe of all the love and support we've gotten in the last few days. Mom goes back to work tomorrow.
Well I'm going to go and enjoy the comfy Sunday. I've also gotta help Grandma make spaghetti sauce. Mom's orders! Enjoy your Sunday my friends.
Wirey hugs,
Well I'm going to go and enjoy the comfy Sunday. I've also gotta help Grandma make spaghetti sauce. Mom's orders! Enjoy your Sunday my friends.
Wirey hugs,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I just wanted to say personally thank you
Hello all of our blogging friends,
This is Jen Ozzy and Romeo's mom. I want to start by thanking every single one of you for all of those heartfelt wishes. They don't replace the love of my life and my boys dad but they do help. These last few days have been nothing but a blur and a fog to me. I get online and read things just to take my mind off of things. The boys of course are doing what I'm sure daddy asked them to do stick to mommy like glue. WE were the lucky ones we knew what we had and how much we loved each other. I am going to include his obitituary which is online. The paper is not in my good graces right now they put in the wrong wedding date. Mistakes happen but I have to say dang it not on my important day. David would say typical Jen don't screw up something important to her. My sister in law is now all alone. David had lost his parents at age 15 & 16yrs old. They were all they had left. I feel more for her than I do for myself most times. Life will definitely different now. What I love most about his last day was we were doing what we loved best being outdoors with the boys walking and just being together. Hold on to what you all have and cherish it. Tell your loved ones you love them any chance you get we always did. Take care all. We'll be mind blown for the next few days.
Jen Ozzy & Romeo
for the pasting I fixed our wedding date in true Jen fashion.
David J. Kovach
WAPPINGERS FALLS - David J. Kovach, 29, of Wappingers Falls, died November 22, 2007 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center. He had worked as a Shift Supervisor for Southeastern Container of Wappingers Falls. A local resident since 2005, he had resided previously in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. David enjoyed Florida State University football and taking his dogs, Ozzie and Romeo on long walks. Born Dec. 16, 1977 in Binghamton, NY, he was the son of James and Laura Shaut Kovach. On Jan. 19, 2007, in the Town of Poughkeepsie, he married Jennifer R. White, who survives at home. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his sister, Vicki Bransfield, Pembroke Pines, FL and several aunts and uncles. There will be no calling hours. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 10am, Tues., Nov. 27, 2007 at St. Martin de Porres Church, Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie. Burial will be at the convenience of he family. Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society: Dog Walks Against Cancer, Hope Lodge, 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. If you need directions or wish to send condolences, please visit our website at www.wmgmillerfuneralhome.com.
This is Jen Ozzy and Romeo's mom. I want to start by thanking every single one of you for all of those heartfelt wishes. They don't replace the love of my life and my boys dad but they do help. These last few days have been nothing but a blur and a fog to me. I get online and read things just to take my mind off of things. The boys of course are doing what I'm sure daddy asked them to do stick to mommy like glue. WE were the lucky ones we knew what we had and how much we loved each other. I am going to include his obitituary which is online. The paper is not in my good graces right now they put in the wrong wedding date. Mistakes happen but I have to say dang it not on my important day. David would say typical Jen don't screw up something important to her. My sister in law is now all alone. David had lost his parents at age 15 & 16yrs old. They were all they had left. I feel more for her than I do for myself most times. Life will definitely different now. What I love most about his last day was we were doing what we loved best being outdoors with the boys walking and just being together. Hold on to what you all have and cherish it. Tell your loved ones you love them any chance you get we always did. Take care all. We'll be mind blown for the next few days.
Jen Ozzy & Romeo
for the pasting I fixed our wedding date in true Jen fashion.
David J. Kovach
WAPPINGERS FALLS - David J. Kovach, 29, of Wappingers Falls, died November 22, 2007 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center. He had worked as a Shift Supervisor for Southeastern Container of Wappingers Falls. A local resident since 2005, he had resided previously in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. David enjoyed Florida State University football and taking his dogs, Ozzie and Romeo on long walks. Born Dec. 16, 1977 in Binghamton, NY, he was the son of James and Laura Shaut Kovach. On Jan. 19, 2007, in the Town of Poughkeepsie, he married Jennifer R. White, who survives at home. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his sister, Vicki Bransfield, Pembroke Pines, FL and several aunts and uncles. There will be no calling hours. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 10am, Tues., Nov. 27, 2007 at St. Martin de Porres Church, Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie. Burial will be at the convenience of he family. Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society: Dog Walks Against Cancer, Hope Lodge, 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. If you need directions or wish to send condolences, please visit our website at www.wmgmillerfuneralhome.com.
Thank you all

Well I wanted to do a quick post. I wanted to thank you for the kind words they are just the nicest things we could ask for. This has been a tough time for mom she's had us crated with all our friends dropping by or when she goes out for whatever. But we did get a nice dinner of salmon and pumpkin. WOW how lucky we were.
Mom says that when things settle down she'll let me do a nice post about Dad. We do miss him alot. So thank you all again.
Take care,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hello friends it is I the birthday boy! Mom won't tell me what my day will entail but I have to say I am sure it will be fun. My brother and I have been having a blast playing around and fighting ok the good fighting as mom puts it not the one that gets me my muzzle on. I do remember last year we ended up getting Romeo for my birthday and I have to admit I really hope I'm not getting another sibling for this birthday.
Oh geez I've been busted mom must have thought I was just wandering the house. I gotta go snuggles with her now. Have a great day all. I know I will.
Wirey hugs,
Ozzy the birthday pup
Oh geez I've been busted mom must have thought I was just wandering the house. I gotta go snuggles with her now. Have a great day all. I know I will.
Wirey hugs,
Ozzy the birthday pup
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Hello my friends,
I have finally found some time to get on here. Mom has sent a very revealing picture of me to our friends at the Wire Fox Terrier lists. I'm not too pleased with this so I figured I'd counter balance this with posting the picture here.
Yes my brother was the cop and for some reason which I'm not too sure on I am a convict.
Are they trying to say I'm perpetually bad? I'm really not sure. The guy holding the leashes is of course my father who is a huge FSU fanatic. Mom bought him the shirt and is getting ready to buy him his latest shirts from them. In this photo we were all in New Paltz for our friends at Paws of Distinction's annual Halloween Parade. We had such a great time. People kept coming up and saying how cute we were. Not to mention one lady took a picture of us. How cool is that? We also did the local rail trail which was right next door to the store. It was awfully muggy that day. Mom says that we will be able to go on our own rail trail in the near future near us. Apparently there is one opening up next month and mom is going to the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow. How cool is that going to be? She promises walkies as often as possible and weather permitting. I did mention the new bed we got for the new home right? Well here is the latest picture of us snuggled up in our beds while they are watching TV and obviously taking pictures of us.
They are a bit obsessed with taking our pictures lately. I really don't get it. If you're wondering about the blanket it's usually used to cover up Romeo he's a bit odd that way and likes to be covered and burrowed under the blankets. Go figure. He's a bit odd that way.
Mom has even mentioned to dad that now that we have this camcorder we should figure out how to get it to load onto our computer. Oh geez not another thing to have lugged around. I am a bit scraggly looking but I hear I am due for a visit to my friend the groomer. Mom assures me it's only for a light trim down since I'll need my fur this winter to keep warm. Thank goodness. She's even adamant that Grandma not be allowed to try grooming me or to let me get cut short like last year in the freezing cold. I am sooo thankful for that. That was not fun last year and mom has learned not to listen to my grandmother.
Well I'm outta here I would like to get my daily run in and mom hates to be kept waiting. Take care all and hope you had a Happy Halloween.
Wirey hugs,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Well I was checking out Butchy & Snickers blog and saw this challenge and thought I'd do it. It's 8 Random Facts about myself.
1. I love salads if mom is having one for herself she knows to throw in extra for me.
2. I am a true snuggler. If there is a lap or a bed with someone snoozing I am right there.
3. I am addicted to the water. I love showers, hoses, sinks, any kind of running water I am there trying to get my drink on.
4. I have ripped 2 shower curtains since moving into our new home. I am sitting in that shower waiting for the water to be turned on for me. Mom isn't too happy with me over that one.
5. I love to play tug in the park with mom. She has one of those rope tugs and I am a freak and pull until I can't pull no more.
6. I know when there is fish in the house. I hear that wrapper opening and I know we are getting fish for that nights dinner.
7. I am a total social butterfly. I can't help I might growl and bark but I love meeting new people and pups.
8. I was Moses when my breeder named me then Great Grandma wanted to call me Oscar but decided for some reason on Ozzy and G Grandma loved that name even more. I miss my Great Grandma soo much.
So those are my 8 random facts. I know not that big of information but hey they're my bits of information.
I'm not going to tag anyone cause I'm sure most of my friends have already been tagged. Have a good day all.
Wirey hugs,
1. I love salads if mom is having one for herself she knows to throw in extra for me.
2. I am a true snuggler. If there is a lap or a bed with someone snoozing I am right there.
3. I am addicted to the water. I love showers, hoses, sinks, any kind of running water I am there trying to get my drink on.
4. I have ripped 2 shower curtains since moving into our new home. I am sitting in that shower waiting for the water to be turned on for me. Mom isn't too happy with me over that one.
5. I love to play tug in the park with mom. She has one of those rope tugs and I am a freak and pull until I can't pull no more.
6. I know when there is fish in the house. I hear that wrapper opening and I know we are getting fish for that nights dinner.
7. I am a total social butterfly. I can't help I might growl and bark but I love meeting new people and pups.
8. I was Moses when my breeder named me then Great Grandma wanted to call me Oscar but decided for some reason on Ozzy and G Grandma loved that name even more. I miss my Great Grandma soo much.
So those are my 8 random facts. I know not that big of information but hey they're my bits of information.
I'm not going to tag anyone cause I'm sure most of my friends have already been tagged. Have a good day all.
Wirey hugs,
Monday, October 15, 2007

I just wanted to check in and say hello. Seems my baby brother has been hogging the computer lately. That's fine whatever keeps him occupied.
Mom and Grandma have been having fun browsing around and shopping. I'm not sure what the fun is in that idea but I guess. Mom did find this cool picture in this book about dogs that she had to snap while out at a local store. I know that pose sure looks similar to what I do when they're playing fetch with me.

Then Grandma found this cool treat jar that they swear is one of us wire fox terriers. I gotta say it sure does look like it. Mom appologizes for the poor quality she was tired which equals her eyes were tired but I kept bugging and bugging for her to take the picture so I could share with all of you. Well I better make this a quick post. She just said bed time and I gotta agree with her. Have a good night all. I promise to post more in the future.
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Well we're all nice and moved in. Our neighborhood is nice and quiet which means I have to bark to shake things up. Mom, Dad and Grandma have been sick for the last week or so wtih head colds. So ths whole moving in and cleaning thing has not been anyones favorite thing to do. I have to admit I am overwhelmed with new things. I have not one but two showers for me to drink from. Of course we got moved in and mom seemed to find time for a bath for me. I told her numerous times I'm a clean puppy but she kept saying new house clean Oz. Geesh I don't know if that's what I would call a good thing. So you all remember my nemesis Gulliver from my old walkies? Well mom still gets e-mails from that group and it seems Gulliver has some aggression issues and went after a fellow dog walker. Mom then told Dad and Grandma who both concurred they saw that one coming. I guess it's a good thing we don't do the walkies anymore. Though I do miss most of the other pups mom says she couldn't risk something like that happening between the three of us. Yep three gotta include my baby brother. So we're getting along for the most part. Grandma is just expecting a fight to happen any minute. Mom keeps telling her to relax on that but I guess she's got reason according to mom she does. So we have found a cool park around the block that mom lets us run around in since it's fenced in. She takes us seperately to give us quality mom and pup time. It's such a blast sniffing and sniffing and of course chasing the balls that she constantly throws for me. I also have this cool desk to type at that is in our den.
This is a picture of me at my new desk. Mom had some water and her magazines out since she was going to relax while I typed away. I guess there's even talk of going to one of Bussie's chat Sunday's. Maybe once we're all settled in. Mom bought us a new bed since we only had one and I wasn't sharing with Romeo. Hey can ya blame me? I was an only child for the first 9 months that I lived with them. I know the new beds aren't all that to brag about but I like it and it's comfy. Mom's first meal for us was our yummy salmon. Mom on occasion will buy us a piece of salmon that she cooks up and throws in with our dinner. It is the yummiest thing especially since I haven't had it in a couple of months. Yes I know I'm a spoiled pup. But I deserve it don't I? Oh and the best part of the new house? Besides the two showers is I get to sleep with my parents or grams in one bed and with my brother. It is such a comfy bed and mom snuggles so well. Especially when daddy is working at night. So that's life so far in our new home. Mom promises more pictures soon. But she thought you guys might like to remember what I look like since it's been so long since we've posted a picture. Oh have I told you? Mom got one of those blasted camera cell phones and a camcorder. I'm not sure if this is a good idea on their part or not. We'll soon find out. Well I'm going to go snuggle with mom. Take care my frineds and enjoy your weekend.

Wirey hugs,
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Good morning blogger fans! It is I Ozzy posting for myself since mom bought herself a laptop. She got tired of hearing my complaints on the front of not being able to post. Fine and dandy with me I'd had it with her lack of wanting to blog for me. So let me start by saying we are almost out of the lovely Days Inn. I admit there service and friendliness is admittedly warming and kind. But they don't let me in the pool or in the hotel's main building to get online. We did make it to the fun filled HOT day at Bowdoin Parks' Paws in the Park. Mom would like to emphasize that they should have it in a cooler month or earlier in the day. Because quite honestly we didn't need to sweat our little butts off. We left early because it was just too hot and we didn't like the idea of the real walk starting at 2p.m. What kind of craziness is that? We did meet our list friends Joanne, Smitty, and his sister Jessie. What a cool pair they are. Their mom took a picture of us together hanging out and once mom gets some extra free time she'll download it onto the computer for us. I got to try out the agility course and man that was SO MUCH FUN!!! Mom and grandma both say that next class we'll sign me up for sure. Right now life and money's a little tight. That's cool I can sympathize with that. We've been doing alot of walks like I mentioned earlier and Grandma decided that she'd go out of her way and buy us a camcorder. Once the 'rents figure out how to put it online we'll be showing some of our antics. What more could a bunch of my fans ask for?! LOL Well I'm hoping that this cool weather keeps up so we can enjoy a few days out and about mom is not the biggest fan of the humidity. I saw a bunch of new games out there on my friends blogs and I think when I get some more online time I will jump at the chance to do a few of them. Happy Birthday and Adoption day to anyone that I've missed. I hope you had the bestest day ever! Mom had a reality check on Saturday when she realized that I'll be 2 in November. That's right woman I am growing up! Mom did find out that her computer has a webcam and she's not quite sure how to use it but alas once she does she guarantees there'll be pics of me and my brother. Who by the way I am getting along really well with right now. He's really not that bad and is learning that I'm alpha dog in this pack. Umm sorry Mom is ehh I'll let her think that. Well it's a beautiful day let me get outside and enjoy it!
Wirey hugs,
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Well we did the New Paltz Craft Show today and I admit it wasn't my cup of tea but it was a fun time and quite interesting. We met a couple that had a girl WFT like us but she passed away. Mom said she was almost in tears remembering her little girl. I don't like to see humans cry it's just not a good thing. We're gearing up for our annual Pawswalk in the Park for our local SPCA. Mom and dad already have us registered and we're counting down the days until next Saturday to go. I had a blast last year and can't wait for the fun this year. Mom keeps trying to figure out how to sneak us in so that we can go swimming but she's not really trying to get us in trouble. Romeo did have to go the vet and his itchies have subsided and it seems mine have kicked in. Gosh there's something wrong with brotherly love when you gotta share the itchies. The walks at Vassar have been a blast and so have the walks at Mills Mansion. Mom is hoping that our friend Smitty will be at the dogswalk next weekend. We're also looking forward to the Montgomery NY dog day. I'm hoping to score lots of goodies next weekend that's for sure. Well I hate to cut this short but there is a time limit and I just wanted to let all of my friends know the goings on and that we're all ok. Thanks for the comments.
Take care!
Wirey hugs,
Take care!
Wirey hugs,
Monday, August 13, 2007
Posting via mom
Well, I'm happy to report that Ozzy and Romeo have been in the room enjoying their time together NOT fighting. Though I admit that my fingers are crossed everyday that they don't pick today to start.
Now I'm posting what Ozzy has written for me to post since he is not allowed in the main portion of the hotel where the computer is.
Dear friends,
I wanted to start my posting by saying thank you for all the kind wishes. Living in this one LITTLE room has been tolerable but I must agree with my father it is time for our own home. We're are getting closer to a lovely home with a small yard but like mom pointed out to dad it is a home and it has a yard. I admit it does have a nice front porch that we plan on making accessible to me and Romeo. Oh how I can't wait. Now I wanted to post pictures to show everyone that we are alive and well and not locked in some little crate but they don't allow that here. That's fine so long as mom can post what I've written for her. Now the perks of this room. Mom has found a huge place for us to walk around in called Vassar College. It is a nice looking old college with loads of bunnies and squirrels to chase around ( I did that for you Jackson)and lots of people who think we are the cutest things ever and they have to just pet us. Mom says whatever works so long as we don't become rude. We have found this cool trail to walk everyday that has a big open field that I'm not allowed to run around in circles with(mom:that's cuz they end up fighting that way) Then after we leave there we head over to the wooden bridge that leads us to this really cool dirty pond that I keep hearing NO OZZY! Geesh what are you doing mom abusing me? Then we head to another trail to this place mom and dad call the swamp we explore like a couple of terriers that are trying to anything we can. Mom loves this part because she swears there could be something that could jump out and attack us. HA I dare it to. Then we head over to where this formal garden is mom usually just looks at all the pretty plants in there. Romeo and I let her have her way since she's letting us sniff to our hearts content. I hope you don't mind my detailed report but since no pictures I gotta make sure you get a good idea of how fun it is. Then Sunday Mom and Dad get up early and leave us for the whole day with grandma who doesn't go anywhere like they do. But they did come back from Atlantic City with two cheeseburgers for us. So I guess all is forgiven. I would love to tell you all that I get to go in the pool but alas they say I'm not allowed in something about me being unsanitary. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Saturday though we did get to go to Mills Mansion and we swam for a good 30 minutes. Anything is better than no swimming at all. So that's my story and mom says we'll be doing Romeo's blog later she doesn't want to use up too much of the computer time if someone else wanted to us it.
Wirey hugs,
Ozzy & Romeo
Now I'm posting what Ozzy has written for me to post since he is not allowed in the main portion of the hotel where the computer is.
Dear friends,
I wanted to start my posting by saying thank you for all the kind wishes. Living in this one LITTLE room has been tolerable but I must agree with my father it is time for our own home. We're are getting closer to a lovely home with a small yard but like mom pointed out to dad it is a home and it has a yard. I admit it does have a nice front porch that we plan on making accessible to me and Romeo. Oh how I can't wait. Now I wanted to post pictures to show everyone that we are alive and well and not locked in some little crate but they don't allow that here. That's fine so long as mom can post what I've written for her. Now the perks of this room. Mom has found a huge place for us to walk around in called Vassar College. It is a nice looking old college with loads of bunnies and squirrels to chase around ( I did that for you Jackson)and lots of people who think we are the cutest things ever and they have to just pet us. Mom says whatever works so long as we don't become rude. We have found this cool trail to walk everyday that has a big open field that I'm not allowed to run around in circles with(mom:that's cuz they end up fighting that way) Then after we leave there we head over to the wooden bridge that leads us to this really cool dirty pond that I keep hearing NO OZZY! Geesh what are you doing mom abusing me? Then we head to another trail to this place mom and dad call the swamp we explore like a couple of terriers that are trying to anything we can. Mom loves this part because she swears there could be something that could jump out and attack us. HA I dare it to. Then we head over to where this formal garden is mom usually just looks at all the pretty plants in there. Romeo and I let her have her way since she's letting us sniff to our hearts content. I hope you don't mind my detailed report but since no pictures I gotta make sure you get a good idea of how fun it is. Then Sunday Mom and Dad get up early and leave us for the whole day with grandma who doesn't go anywhere like they do. But they did come back from Atlantic City with two cheeseburgers for us. So I guess all is forgiven. I would love to tell you all that I get to go in the pool but alas they say I'm not allowed in something about me being unsanitary. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Saturday though we did get to go to Mills Mansion and we swam for a good 30 minutes. Anything is better than no swimming at all. So that's my story and mom says we'll be doing Romeo's blog later she doesn't want to use up too much of the computer time if someone else wanted to us it.
Wirey hugs,
Ozzy & Romeo
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Going away for a while
My friends,
I will be MIA for a few weeks due to the fact that our home is now sold and we are moving out tomorrow August 6th. We are moving into a Days Inn for the time being hopefully be out of there on September 1st. We're not sure really but wanted to let my friends know. Mom says she's able to check our sites and what not from the hotel's computer room but otherwise I will not be able to do my usual blogging. Take care, enjoy your summer, try to behave(mom has that drilled into my head!). I will be back shortly hopefully.
Wirey hugs,
I will be MIA for a few weeks due to the fact that our home is now sold and we are moving out tomorrow August 6th. We are moving into a Days Inn for the time being hopefully be out of there on September 1st. We're not sure really but wanted to let my friends know. Mom says she's able to check our sites and what not from the hotel's computer room but otherwise I will not be able to do my usual blogging. Take care, enjoy your summer, try to behave(mom has that drilled into my head!). I will be back shortly hopefully.
Wirey hugs,
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I figured I'd post and ease everyone's concerns. We've gotten better and are trying to not fight. I for one have had it with those muzzles and I know Romeo certainly has. We went for a evening walk last night at our second favorite place Vassar Farms. Mom wanted something for us to do and also wanted water but it was too close to Mills closing time for us to drive way up there. Well the four of us got there and mom admired the deer and their babies. Yeah yeah whatever I want to walk. They had a local schools football practice going on so dad just watched remembering his old high school football days. Then came the real fun. We got to chase after bunnies. Now before people start complaining it's cruel I want to say this Dad made sure we didn't get close enough which sucks for us but is GREAT for the bunnies. Besides like mom said they were going to hop away anyways. Mom saw the first one handed dad the leads and off we went to go chase our first bunny. Then around the corner we went and we got to chase 5 more bunnies. Oh what fun that was. Now if I could have just caught one. I don't think I'd know what to do but dang it I'd try. I have to say that walk last night was a blast. So that's my story. This heat is brutal and I have heard rumors of going for a swim later today. My paws are crossed. I'm outtie.
Wirey hugs,
Wirey hugs,
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Well I have to announce we're in the doghouse. Mom and Grams are upset with me and Romeo. This morning mom took us out for a bit of running around in circles to have some fun. Well I was in a funky mood and my brother plucked a nerve and I decided to attack him. I can't help it the kid just kept bugging me. So we fought. Mom and Grandma had to pull us apart. So we're stuck with our muzzles on our faces until I dunno when. This is not fair. I want it off and she just keeps saying "Nope sorry bud you don't know how to behave!" What's worse? She's got worse puppydog eyes than me or my brother. I'm gonna go lay back down. This can't last long I promise to not fight anymore.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wow I can't believe what a fun few days we've had here at my home. First let me show you what was landing in my park which is just up the street from my home. Now I'm not sure if this was a cake for Axel's mom's Bday or what but it sure was neat to see. 
Then there were other balloons floating around near my home too and I just thought they were the coolest things to see. So then the fun came Tuesday morning when we heard the famous phrase "let's go boys time for a car ride!" Well let me tell you something that is definitely music to my ears. WE got to go to our favorite place Mills Mansion.
Oh the fun we had running around and smelling and SWIMMING! We got to swim and cool off.
The walk was a blast we got to smell some lovely spots and I even tried to eat some goose poop. Yep that didn't go over well. But I did get to take a spin around the giant lawn oh I wish we could have gone free and ran around that big lawn.
Mom says you can see a smile on my face. I don't see it any but then again I'm not really sure if I see it myself. This is the most fun I could have had all day. Swimming and running around in a circle. Over and over again. Well folks I'm going to enjoy my evening. Have a good week.
Wirey hugs,
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Hello friends,
I'm sorry for not posting in a while and being lax in my postings. Well I'm sure if you read my brother's blog you know all about our day. So let me tell you about our night. Tonight was bath night. After dad abandonded us by going to work we got suckered into taking a bath. Now normally I don't mind taking a bath but I just had one earlier by swimming in that lovely cool river. Mom said we stunk and we needed soap and water. I swear I don't know what that woman is talking about. So of course after a bath it's time for brushing. She's gotta find a better brush than that. That is just not a nice brush and she even said I know Oz I know. Well good now stop brushing us! But oh no she's gotta finish this mission. So I'm posting some pictures of myself and of my brother. Enjoy! I know I didn't.
Wirey hugs,
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I just wanted to take some time out and wish everyone of my friends out there a very Happy 4th of July. Even if you don't celebrate it I say go ahead and throw some burgers on the grill and celebrate along with America. What can I say I'll take any excuse to have mom throw an extra burger on the grill for me. I hope all of you have a safe enjoyable holiday. I do want to appologize for my lack of blogging but I've been busy with stuff around the house I promise to post soon and with pictures. Enjoy your 4th,
Friday, June 22, 2007
I was reading Gus's blog and he has this neat game going and I thought it might be fun to play along. (I had to edit the she that I had copied from Gussies page in order to fix that fact that I had HIM mentioned as a she. I am so sorry my friend)
1. Your age? According to my ticker I am 1 yr 7 months old
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 4 months
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Well I haven’t gotten a new one like my brother but it’s still my old scruffy looking blue with different color stripes on it. I do like it though it is my fav with a matching leash.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Oooooh, my groomer whom I’ll be seeing next weekend!
5. How much do you weigh? This is not something I wish to disclose since I’m a poofball but (hangs head in shame)29lbs.
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? Ohh my mom’s good pair of shoes. Or I have torn apart grandma’s bed before. Litterally.
7. Do you like other Dogs? Usually. It also depends on that dogs ‘tude.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My brother Romeo. Though it used to be Oreo the schnauzer but he’s been a little aggressive lately and I’m not feeling that.
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys like that’s a choice really?
10. Do you like to be brushed? I do actually though don’t tell mom. I just hate it when she hits my darn knots.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? No no I don’t choose between them two. It’s both and sometimes together.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? Yes mom is a tad anal over the nail length. Dad says she’s braver than him since I do growl and show my ferocious teeth the whole time.
13. Any formal education? Yes, I did have some formal education though she says it doesn’t show. What does my mom know anyways.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? You know, I can be either, depending on my mood. I like Gussie’s answer here.
15. Five nicknames your people call you . Oh geez really? I must admit to these things? Mom calls me baby boy, fatbutt(though she has no room to talk),gram calls me toughie dad calls me vicious killer and oh yes my favorite mama’s boy. Did I mention snugglebuddy too?
16. What is your best trick? Oh I am a pro at catching my toys when thrown to me mom says that’s a feat in itself.
17. Do you like kitties? Oh I miss my kitty.
18. What did you have for breakfast? I’m still waiting for breakfast. We’re doing a big dinner so I must wait since mom wants to get my weight down before we move.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? I am the ferocious Oz so of course I can. I’ve killed a mole and hated the taste of it.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? 3 months ago for my check up and shots. God I hate going.
21. Where do you sleep at night? It depends some nights I share the bed downstairs with grandma, other nights I snuggle with my mom. Oh and sometimes dad.
22. Do you like to swim? Swim? God I LOVE TO SWIM!
23. Can you make puppies? Nope.
24. Do you give kisses? Yes, to my mommy, daddy, and grandma. Though I do sometimes give them freely to strangers just not as much as my brother.
25. Can you potty on command? Nope though they wish I would learn that trick.
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? I’m sorry what’s a CUZ? I’ve read of these things yet I the spoiled puppy do not know what they are nor do I own one. I must bother mommy or daddy for one to see how long it would take me to kill it.
If you would like to do your own please feel free to I'm sure Romeo will be doing one later this evening.
Wirey hugs,
1. Your age? According to my ticker I am 1 yr 7 months old
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 4 months
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Well I haven’t gotten a new one like my brother but it’s still my old scruffy looking blue with different color stripes on it. I do like it though it is my fav with a matching leash.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Oooooh, my groomer whom I’ll be seeing next weekend!
5. How much do you weigh? This is not something I wish to disclose since I’m a poofball but (hangs head in shame)29lbs.
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? Ohh my mom’s good pair of shoes. Or I have torn apart grandma’s bed before. Litterally.
7. Do you like other Dogs? Usually. It also depends on that dogs ‘tude.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My brother Romeo. Though it used to be Oreo the schnauzer but he’s been a little aggressive lately and I’m not feeling that.
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys like that’s a choice really?
10. Do you like to be brushed? I do actually though don’t tell mom. I just hate it when she hits my darn knots.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? No no I don’t choose between them two. It’s both and sometimes together.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? Yes mom is a tad anal over the nail length. Dad says she’s braver than him since I do growl and show my ferocious teeth the whole time.
13. Any formal education? Yes, I did have some formal education though she says it doesn’t show. What does my mom know anyways.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? You know, I can be either, depending on my mood. I like Gussie’s answer here.
15. Five nicknames your people call you . Oh geez really? I must admit to these things? Mom calls me baby boy, fatbutt(though she has no room to talk),gram calls me toughie dad calls me vicious killer and oh yes my favorite mama’s boy. Did I mention snugglebuddy too?
16. What is your best trick? Oh I am a pro at catching my toys when thrown to me mom says that’s a feat in itself.
17. Do you like kitties? Oh I miss my kitty.
18. What did you have for breakfast? I’m still waiting for breakfast. We’re doing a big dinner so I must wait since mom wants to get my weight down before we move.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? I am the ferocious Oz so of course I can. I’ve killed a mole and hated the taste of it.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? 3 months ago for my check up and shots. God I hate going.
21. Where do you sleep at night? It depends some nights I share the bed downstairs with grandma, other nights I snuggle with my mom. Oh and sometimes dad.
22. Do you like to swim? Swim? God I LOVE TO SWIM!
23. Can you make puppies? Nope.
24. Do you give kisses? Yes, to my mommy, daddy, and grandma. Though I do sometimes give them freely to strangers just not as much as my brother.
25. Can you potty on command? Nope though they wish I would learn that trick.
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? I’m sorry what’s a CUZ? I’ve read of these things yet I the spoiled puppy do not know what they are nor do I own one. I must bother mommy or daddy for one to see how long it would take me to kill it.
If you would like to do your own please feel free to I'm sure Romeo will be doing one later this evening.
Wirey hugs,
Monday, June 04, 2007
What a weekend I had.
We went and celebrated Beacon Barks on Saturday in that sweltering heat. Mom was good she only kept us there for an hour and kept us very hydrated. We got to watch a pup parade and enjoy some other doggies. I don't have many pictures for the simple fact that Mom was too busy keeping an eye on us and making sure we were drinking enough. It was such a good idea and I'm sure if they did it earlier in the year say May or maybe even October it would have had such a better turn out but geesh in was in the 90's on Saturday. We went to Beacon Barkery to get some goodies. Mom said it was too packed and why didn't they have the AC on with the door closed? I thought she had a very good point seeing as most of the stores that did have AC also had their doors open so mom and I both thought it was a bit silly to have the AC on and yet not have a cool place for us pups and our owners. We got to meet a bunch of pugs and some very nice people. Mom got a good kick out of me rolling around on the cool blacktop getting dirty while she talked to a petfood representative.
I got a feeling we'll be switching to this yummy food we tried Saturday night. (THAT LEG YOU SEE IS ACTUALLY MY DAD'S)That's all right with me I liked it and it has some plant in it to make my brothers butt not stink as much. Yes I do have a bed of roses for a butt I don't care what my folks say.
WE were hoping to see our friends from Paws of Distinction but they just weren't there. But as we were getting done with our day we found a nice yummy ice cream shop called Jane's. They had some yummy vanilla ice cream and even some hot dogs that if were ready would have been in my tummy since proceeds went to local shelters. I'm such a philanthropist. So we got back into the truck and dad cranked on the AC and Romeo and I both laid down on the back seat with the AC blowing right on us.
So then Sunday we got to enjoy a bit of off lead time while my brother was inside suffering. Mom was cooking on the grill and she asked if I wanted to go out so of course I complied I mean what dog is that crazy to say no to their mom and some outside time? Well she checked saw that I was the only pup out and I heard my favorite words "go for it big boy!" Now that was heaven.
But even better than that? Mom's famous cheeseburgers with some frenchyme fries. Oh what a lucky pup I was to have a yummy yummy dinner. Then I got to sleep with my parents while my brother slept with grandma and I got a chewy all to myself. I was one spoiled pup this weekend. Rowdy did win the photo contest which is great news!
Well it is now Monday night and my dad is at work. Mom is right Monday's stink after having dad off for 3 days straight. Romeo got to wear the traditional birthday scarf which I think is only fitting since no one warned me and I had to suffer through the day with that thing on. Oh well I see a comfy spot next to my brother in bed that I think I better go occupy. Have a good week all. Mom's gonna be busy job hunting.
Wirey hugs,

WE were hoping to see our friends from Paws of Distinction but they just weren't there. But as we were getting done with our day we found a nice yummy ice cream shop called Jane's. They had some yummy vanilla ice cream and even some hot dogs that if were ready would have been in my tummy since proceeds went to local shelters. I'm such a philanthropist. So we got back into the truck and dad cranked on the AC and Romeo and I both laid down on the back seat with the AC blowing right on us.

Wirey hugs,
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I have yet another favor to ask of all my blogger friends out there. Our friend Rowdy a German Shepard Pup is in a contest and we need your help to cast your vote for Rowdy. Now I'm not sure what he wins but hey who wouldn't want to win a photo contest? I know I would. So please please please vote for Rowdy. Here is his Mom Joan's email to our list.
Hi everyone!! I was wondering if you could do me a big favor? I entered my German Shepherd Rowdy in a photo contest and would really appreciate it if you would go and vote for him. The address is: http://www.snobbydogs.com/index.cfmWhen you get to that site, on the left hand side of the page, click on "photo contest". On that page Rowdy is about 3/4 of the way down in the dog pictures. His name is beside his photo. Under his pic, click on "enlarge this photo". On the left side of that page, click on "Vote for this month's winner". I hope you will vote for him for me, this is his very first contest!! Thanks to anyone who votes, I appreciate it!!!Love,Joan, Danny & Rowdy
So thanks for doing this for me and I swear it won't cost you a thing like my last favor!
Wirey hugs,
Hi everyone!! I was wondering if you could do me a big favor? I entered my German Shepherd Rowdy in a photo contest and would really appreciate it if you would go and vote for him. The address is: http://www.snobbydogs.com/index.cfmWhen you get to that site, on the left hand side of the page, click on "photo contest". On that page Rowdy is about 3/4 of the way down in the dog pictures. His name is beside his photo. Under his pic, click on "enlarge this photo". On the left side of that page, click on "Vote for this month's winner". I hope you will vote for him for me, this is his very first contest!! Thanks to anyone who votes, I appreciate it!!!Love,Joan, Danny & Rowdy
So thanks for doing this for me and I swear it won't cost you a thing like my last favor!
Wirey hugs,
Sunday, May 20, 2007
First let me start my blog out by saying Fufu I will miss you my friend. I hope you're having fun at the bridge. Secondly let me say my baby brother will be a year old on the 27th. God I hope when he turns a year they don't bring home another surprise like they did when I turned a year. I hit a year and BOOM I have a younger brother. We went and saw my friends this weekend at Paws of Distinction. What a good time it is to see my buddies. Grandma's not happy with me I kept barking all weekend long. Well so she says. I think I only barked a few times. Mom and dad took us out with them this weekend and we had some fun rides even though the rain kept coming and the clouds blocked the sun. We even got to go see the "new place". Now I don't know for certain what this is but mom kept saying Oz I want this to be our new home. So I guess she wants it. Hopefully dads right and whatever mommy wants mommy gets. I heard from my friend that we will be in some ads for our favorite store. I'm soo for that that I signed my paw agreeing to the whole deal. We also went to the new barkery we have around here. It's called Beacon Barks and it was a nice place. We got a new brush out of the deal and some treats. Mom's more happy over the brush than I am but that's nothing new. Her and dad went to see Shrek 3. They both seemed to like it and mom is in love with the dronkey's. She's silly that way. Dad said if it wasn't supposed to rain tonight we would have gone to the drive-in and watched it with them but they did indoor movies instead. Fine I'll make sure we go see some other movie with them. I've got at least 3 more months of drive in movies to go. Ahh the drive-in movies. I get to see the latest feature, smell the newest smells and get treats along with them. What more could a pup ask for? I'm sure I could think of something but I'll take this for now. Well I hate to cut this short but I see my brother trying to take my spot in bed. Mom also said it's time for bed. Have a good night all.
Wirey hugs,
Wirey hugs,
Monday, May 07, 2007
Oh what a fun day!
First let me say thank you to all that donated in our honor. We are official members of the Golden Bone club and like mom said it went to a great cause. We did get groomed at our favorite place the Little Tin Tub in Wappingers Falls NY. She is the nicest lady and lets us run around and play with the other dogs. But we had to get crated Saturday because she had the police dogs there and didn't want anything bad to happen. I totally understand they're doing a real job and can sometimes be not so friendly. Now onto the more important business at hand. I just want to say that getting up at 5:45 am is not my cup of tea. I don't know why the 'rents got up quite so early but they did. Mom proceeded to give puke boy oops I mean Romeo his Dramamine so that he'd have it digested by the time we hit the road. Good thinking Mom. She then proceeded to walk us and make herself coffee and then it was off to the shower where she and I have our morning ritual of taking a shower together. I can't help it I've done it since I first moved in with them. Then we got the SUV packed for the ride. Of course we had to make a stop at Starbuck's because mom can't live without that morning jolt when she gets up a God knows what hour HER quote not mine. Off we went again. Let me say the ride down was beautiful. Nice area to go for a visit anytime. Puke Boy survived! My brother is such a wimp when it comes to car rides that mom wasn't sure how he'd handle it.
So then mom got the camera out of the bag and her and dad proceeded to let us out of the car to get our sniffing on!
Oh man all those doggies and things falling to the ground. Romie of course puked three times from the excitement. Mom says he's a sensitive terrier and I should be nice. We checked in and found out thanks to the recalls there would be no snackies for doggies this year. GRRR I should bite those ba$tards on the butt for ruining my treat day! We then walked around and checked out the sites. We did score a new toothbrush. I don't see mom doing that but hey we've got it if she dares to try it. We ran into our friends from Paws of Distinction.
On the back it says SECURITY which of course I am.
They did have coupons for free cookies for our next trip to their store. I'm there the next day dad has off. So we met up with some awesome dogs. I swear I thought I saw my love Shayna there but alas it was just an impostor.
We then saw another wire there that was dressed as a ladybug. Mom tried to take a picture but she wouldn't stay still. Must be the wire in her. Then we got to the starting line and met up with this really nice pit bull bitch. She was so much fun to play with.
Mom said she would have loved to have had a leash like she had with the hearts on it. Then POW off we went to walk for cancer! It was a nice walk around Hessian Lake. 

Mom stopped to take a picture of me on the rock but this kid kept getting in her way so she said screw it. We went back to walking. The end goody bag was the best ever. We got frisbees, a soccer ball, squeaker toys and some other stuff. We then decided to grab a bite to eat. Now I had a hot dog and I kept asking Romeo and mom if they were actually dogs.
Mom told me they were not.
Good because I don't think that'd be nice to eat my own kind. Dad shared a cheeseburger with me Mom doesn't know that though. We strolled around some more and decided time to go. The ride home going past West Point Academy was breathtaking. We then got home and went to bed for a nice long nap. 

Thank you all again for the donations and moral support.
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, May 05, 2007

ONE MORE DAY TO GO!!! Oh man the countdown is on we're talking 24 hours my friends and I for one can hardly wait.
So for the big event we're getting a hair cut. Well actually it's mom's excuse for just getting our summer cut. Hey I'll take any excuse to go visit my favorite groomer lady. Now we don't get stripped because well quite frankly we don't have one in the area. Mom's checked. I've included a picture just so you all can see how scruffy I've become. Well I am promising pictures for tomorrow so stay tuned.
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Whatever happened to spring?
Wow Mom, Romeo & myself seem a bit confused this weekend. Mom informed us that there is a Noreaster heading our way and should be here sometime Sunday into Monday. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind snow but quite honestly I'ma bit done with it myself. I mean how's a pup supposed to go for his evening walks with his mom and brother if there is a big bad snow storm on the way? I tell you it is a conspiracy against us getting ready for our big Dogs walk against cancer event we have coming up. Mom and Dad went shopping without us yesterday and brought home a new ball to chase and of course some chewies and treats. Now I am not one to complain about getting said goodies but geesh couldn't we tag along to get the goods ourselves with some of our input into what we might like. Apparently we do not matter when it comes to going shopping for our stuff. That's fine mom brought home our second favorite biscuits and oh man they taste yummy. I do hope to see Amanda and her crew at the Doggie event next month since I don't see mom, dad, or grandma going to her store any time in the immediate future. Maybe I should sulk tonight and hope I get my way. Nah better not that sometimes bites me in the butt. Well I hate to not post more than my greediness but I'm a bit pooped from the rigorous workout we had tonight. I'm going to go crawl into bed before I start snoring on this keyboard. Take care.
Wire hugs,
Wire hugs,
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hello All
Wow I haven't been online in a while and I do appologize. Mom graduated and she's now job hunting and we're looking for a new house to live in. Mom says after this she'll need a weeks work of pedicures and massages whatever that is. Mom has gotten on a kick since the pet food recall to feed us strictly homemade stuff. So hey I am not going to complain so long as it's good yummy food like we've been given. We're back to walking almost every other day. Oh man how much fun can that be. We ran into my cousin Lauren last week and she walked me and kept saying what a good boy Ozzy is. Yep that's right I'm a good boy and behave when I'm walking. We're going to be walking with Kelly starting tomorrow and her dog the name and breed of which mom can't seem to recall. We're now counting down the days until the famous dog walk and I must say we were hoping to raise $500. But we're happy with the amount we do have so we'll not complain. So mom's going to go downstairs now and bug grandma because apparently that is her right to do. I heard something about going to Dairy Queen for ice cream and I think I migh just have to force my mom on doing that for me! I do hope everyone is ok out there and had a Happy Easter and Passover. I'll keep you all posted on the new house search and the job search. Take care my friends. I will have new pictures to post this week so have no fear.
Wirey hugs,
Wirey hugs,
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hello all
Well I'm just gonna hop on real quick and let everyone know I've been MIA because mom's trying to get stuff together for her future job searches. Plus she's also doing her finals and getting ready to be done with school for good. So we promise to blog soon but just please bear with us. Thanks everyone Ozzy!
Wirey hugs!
Wirey hugs!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Well I have to start off my blog by saying thank you to everyone who has supported us in our donations campaign. It means alot to us. Now I have to share my fun fun weekend.
Wow I got to have a nice weekend home with mom and dad. Oh man we went for walks and spent time together. I love weekends with both mom and dad off.
This is Romeo's bed but I stole it. It's only fair I am the oldest. Then we went to the Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park NY it is one of my favorite local places to walk.
They have some awesome smells and tons of places to mark.
Here is Dad & I posing for the camera. He was a bit cold as I'm sure you can tell. Mom is forever putting my sweatshirt on and boy was I happy for that on Saturday when it was a bit nippy out there. My brother Romeo and I did find a new place for us to live though Mom said that it's not a place for dogs to live in let alone visit. I'm sorry why not? It was huge and I could smell all those little nooks and crannies. Oh man my nose was itching to get into that place. But no go. We did get to visit the front steps.

Sunday we went for another walk down by the river without our friends from the dog group. Mom and Dad wanted to go early because they had plans without us. Can you believe they didn't want to spend time with us? I know I'm shocked too! They went to a St Patrick's Day parade over in Kingston NY and then went and brought us home some snackies. Oh I'll admit it that made it up for me. You can leave me home but you better bring me back some good yummies. Mom mentioned something about a vet visit this week. Something about my annual physical and shots. I'm not too ok with that idea but I do like my vet she is a really super nice lady and I guess if I don't get my shots I can't have fun and play outside. So I'll suffer and get the shots. Well all Romeo is bugging me to let him get online and blog. The downsides of having a brother. So if you haven't donated yet please remember you have until May 6 to do so and I would be completely thankful for it. Yes I'm being greedy & begging for lots and lots of money. Mom would be so proud.
Have a good week folks.
Wirey hugs,
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I'm such a self promoter but I wanted to let those of my blogger friends that want to contribute on my behalf know that we are up and running! The very nice lady just called and said that they fixed the problem and everyone can give give give! But if you do have any problems let me know and I'll have mom call her back.
Thanks again for anyone that would like to contribute.
Wirey hugs,
Thanks again for anyone that would like to contribute.
Wirey hugs,
Friday, March 02, 2007
Help us raise money for a good cause
OK I know I normally don't ask for things on my blog but for this I will ask all of my friends to help me raise money for the American Cancer Society. They have this awesome thing here in New York that is called the Dogswalk Against Cancer (yes I know I've stated it before)well any money we raise goes to help find a cure for cancer in pets. My mom is a huge supporter of this cause and since she's family I will support this cause to! Well I should since it could affect me someday(God forbid!). So since it's been asked to send a link on where to donate I will send along a link to our personal ACS page! Anything you guys can give is awesome no I'm wrong it is TERRIERIFIC! So thank you one and all in advance.
Sincerely with tons of wirey hugs,
Ozzy (the official dogwalker against cancer!)
Sincerely with tons of wirey hugs,
Ozzy (the official dogwalker against cancer!)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Countdown to the Dogswalk Against Cancer
Oh man the mail came in today and we found out that the dogswalk against cancer is May 6 2007. Mom says though she thought she read something about it being a 3 day weekend thingy. That'd be cool too! Oh how much fun was that last year. Mom, Grandma, and myself went last year to Bear Mountain State Park and it was a blast! The walk was nice and the scenery was terrierific. Oh and the best part? I got to meet new doggies and I got loads of treats! How fun!I can't wait. Now mommy has to find people to donate money for such a worthy worthy cause. This is one cause that is close to my mom and grandma's heart since they lost a dog a few years ago to cancer. So I will step up and volunteer my time and walk for a GREAT cause.
Mom says she will ask people at her school and then maybe the ladies at the dog walk that we do in the nicer months. Mom told me she got an email from the ladies and they apparently went last weekend in the cold snowy weather. Nope not me I'd freeze out there or so mom says. She probably means herself. I'm hoping to get some money up so that we can help other animals out there fight and find a cure against cancer. It is quite a harsh disease to get and mom and I would like to help as much as possible. Mom says that hopefully by then she'll be working and will be able to see if her co-workers can help with some money.
We will of course have to bring my brother and I hear from Mom that Daddy is off that weekend too so that will mean that Daddy can go this year with us. Sorry grandma. I'm sure she'll want to tag along too. I don't blame her all those cool doggies in one place and of course us foxies too! I think I was the only one there last year so at least this year it'll be me and my brother. Or as mom puts it my shadow. Ahh the countdown begins.
Wirey hugs,
Mom says she will ask people at her school and then maybe the ladies at the dog walk that we do in the nicer months. Mom told me she got an email from the ladies and they apparently went last weekend in the cold snowy weather. Nope not me I'd freeze out there or so mom says. She probably means herself. I'm hoping to get some money up so that we can help other animals out there fight and find a cure against cancer. It is quite a harsh disease to get and mom and I would like to help as much as possible. Mom says that hopefully by then she'll be working and will be able to see if her co-workers can help with some money.
We will of course have to bring my brother and I hear from Mom that Daddy is off that weekend too so that will mean that Daddy can go this year with us. Sorry grandma. I'm sure she'll want to tag along too. I don't blame her all those cool doggies in one place and of course us foxies too! I think I was the only one there last year so at least this year it'll be me and my brother. Or as mom puts it my shadow. Ahh the countdown begins.
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Ohh how I've been tricked
Oh how I've been tricked! I got up this morning thinking today was going to be a day full of treats. My own Grandmother was the first one to trick me. She let me out this morning with a promise of a car ride. She knows how much I love car rides. So we get ready this morning I got my sweatshirt on since according to the mean women in my life I needed to keep warm we all four oh because we can't forget my brother got into the car and off we go! Oh how much fun I was having riding along with my mom and grandma. I particularly love to ride in the car and whenever I go for a ride I'm quite content to not boss them around and just let them drive me wherever they would like to go. Well we were going a different way and I thought to myself ooh a new park? or could it be a new place to go for a walk? or could we be going to my favorite store? Oh no we stop at this little store that wasn't even open when I got there. The lady shows up a few minutes after we do and she lets us into her store. Oh goody TREATS! Oh geez she was nice and friendly and talked nice to me and took off my collar and leash. Well stupid me should have thought something was up when my women left me with stupid I mean Romeo. Well this woman who I found out isn't nice took out her clippers and turned on that gawd awful sound and proceeded to buzz me and my hair went off! Apparently Grandma told them to go short because now I'm bald! I guess it's a good thing I have a sweater to wear. Well the good thing is she let me roam free and play with other doggies(mom: they have humping issues & liked to be the bad boys and bully other dogs) So I'm happy to report that I was not the only one in this family getting trimmed down. But alas I digress. We then got to lay in the lady's nice front window and patrol anyone that dared walk by. I was really waiting for my evil women but they came 3 hours late. So when mom and grandma finally got there we were treated to a trip to PETCO! Oh how fun we got loads of compliments on how handsome we are and then we got to shop. Oh we got a couple of greenies and some biscuits and we even got our food. Oh how they made up for it. So we got home and I complained to my father who believe it or not is not on my side! I am telling you my friends it is a conspiracy. Next time I hear a countdown I'm going to just hide. I've included some pictures for all to admire. I must say I do clean up handsome that's for sure!
My brother & me
me protesting these pictures!

Being the goofball that I am

Showing her how handsome I can be
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Birthday to my pal Gussie in AZ. Gussie it sure sounds like you had a great birthday! May you have many many more.
Wirey hugs,
My brother & me

me protesting these pictures!

Being the goofball that I am

Showing her how handsome I can be
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Birthday to my pal Gussie in AZ. Gussie it sure sounds like you had a great birthday! May you have many many more.
Wirey hugs,
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Belated Valentine's Day
Well I'm posting my Happy Valentine's Day a day late. Mom was playing nurse to dad who was and I quote"hugging the porcelain throne" Mom was glad to help dad back to health but I think she wasn't looking forward to that being her romantic holiday. Poor Poor Mom. She has a job interview tomorrow. Dad's going for a better position at his job. Hopefully he gets it. Mom had off again today due to the snow. Man talk about a nice day home. She was just upset because school didn't close until the next morning and she says she would have liked to have slept in. That's ok I would have woken her up soon enough for my morning duties. They rented some movies and have been vegged out in their bedroom snuggled with Romeo and myself. What more could a pup ask for? They even let me run crazy through the snow off lead. Now that was a blast. I'm not sure how much snow we got but it's enough to make me have some fun in the house. Mom says she's pleased to report that I'm listening and following the trainer's homework that she gave my family. She's quite impressed with how well I listen. I didn't realize there was a problem with my listening skills. I thought I listened fine just like a terrier whenever I chose to. I think it's not how mom wanted it to be. Sorry mom. I keep hearing Grandma saying something about just two more days boys. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. I hope the trainer lady isn't coming back. I'll keep you guys updated though.
Well I hope everyones holiday was good and you guys got lots of love and some treats. I'm off to watch another movie.
Wirey hugs,
Well I hope everyones holiday was good and you guys got lots of love and some treats. I'm off to watch another movie.
Wirey hugs,
Saturday, February 10, 2007
We got snow!
Wow I can't believe it finally snowed here last week. It was so awesome mom let me outside to play in it for a while. Oh how sweet that was. I guess Bussie's little prayer work for me because
next thing you know we got snow!

Mom decided that she would throw some snowballs at me and they were fun to catch. I even had mom take some pictures of me playing in the snow.
next thing you know we got snow!

Mom decided that she would throw some snowballs at me and they were fun to catch. I even had mom take some pictures of me playing in the snow.

I even helped mom shovel a bit. She says I wasn't all that helpful but really what does she know?
I did get mom to laugh at me and that's always a fun thing to do. Dad's off this weekend and of course he's got a cold or at least that's how mom puts it.
I've been snuggling with dad helping him to feel better just like I'm supposed to do.
Hey a pups gotta do what a pups gotta do.
We had a trainer come and give us a lesson today. She's with a company that grandma hired to help me and Romey stop fighting and she was nice and made a few funny noises. Romey and I have decided to try it out because seeing mom and grandma unhappy with us was just not cool.
So now I'm gonna go lay down with Daddy and put him back to sleep. Take care everyone.
I did get mom to laugh at me and that's always a fun thing to do. Dad's off this weekend and of course he's got a cold or at least that's how mom puts it.

Hey a pups gotta do what a pups gotta do.
We had a trainer come and give us a lesson today. She's with a company that grandma hired to help me and Romey stop fighting and she was nice and made a few funny noises. Romey and I have decided to try it out because seeing mom and grandma unhappy with us was just not cool.
So now I'm gonna go lay down with Daddy and put him back to sleep. Take care everyone.
Wirey hugs,

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Mom
Wow I wanted to post this earlier but have been unable due to the fact that I'm confined to my crate lately cause of my fighting with my brother.
Today is my wonderful mom's birthday and I don't know if Dad has anything planned for her but I know I plan on giving her tons and tons of kissies. She is the most awesomest mom one could ever ask for. She gives such good lovies and she's got a glow about her like you wouldn't believe. So mom Happy Birthday.
Loves, kissies, hugs,
Today is my wonderful mom's birthday and I don't know if Dad has anything planned for her but I know I plan on giving her tons and tons of kissies. She is the most awesomest mom one could ever ask for. She gives such good lovies and she's got a glow about her like you wouldn't believe. So mom Happy Birthday.
Loves, kissies, hugs,
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Good morning world!
Do I have to beg for some snow! I mean I see all of the rest of the country getting snow and yet my puppy butt can't seem to get more tha a little dusting. This is BULL! I saw out West they got FEET of snow ok I don't think I want FEET of snow but ya know maybe just a foot?! Am I asking too much?! I haven't seen snow since I was a young pup and now that I'm a one year old snow is important to me to see if I have a need to play in it. Mom says for some reason it would be fun and quite frankly I don't remember so there is a need in my bones to see snow. So umm whoever is in charge of making snow and sending it my way could I get some please? Not alot mind you but enough to have fun in.
Wirey hugs,
Do I have to beg for some snow! I mean I see all of the rest of the country getting snow and yet my puppy butt can't seem to get more tha a little dusting. This is BULL! I saw out West they got FEET of snow ok I don't think I want FEET of snow but ya know maybe just a foot?! Am I asking too much?! I haven't seen snow since I was a young pup and now that I'm a one year old snow is important to me to see if I have a need to play in it. Mom says for some reason it would be fun and quite frankly I don't remember so there is a need in my bones to see snow. So umm whoever is in charge of making snow and sending it my way could I get some please? Not alot mind you but enough to have fun in.
Wirey hugs,
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sorry I've been not posting

Hey all!
I'm going to appologize for not posting as much as I used to but we've been busy around here with mom and her new hard classes. She's been enjoying them and learning new things which with mom is ALWAYS a good thing.
Mom has a new picture for me to post of my brother and myself. We're snuggling in bed about to go to sleep. We've been getting along pretty well but he's got some issues. He needs to stop playing so rough. I'm glad to see my friends Fee, Party and Mango are back to blogging more frequently. Hopefully they will continue to keep up with the blogging. I promise to try to blog a bit more often if mom's homework and school life permit. Well I've got not much else to post about so I'm going to sign off. Have a good night folks. Talk to you soon.
Wirey hugs,
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