I wanted to take time out of my busy schedule to say Happy Howlidays. I hope you all get exactly what you've asked for and that you enjoy all the time home with your loved ones. I know I will. Mom is done with this semester and won't go back until the start of the new year so I'm going to be hogging up as much of her time as possible. Mom had some fun with that god awful camera of hers and has some new pictures for me to share with you all. There is one of my brother and me and then of course of just me. I must say we are some scruffy looking handsome pups. My mom says that if the weather holds up we should be having some fun this next week. Oh man it better be some nice weather. I don't care about the cold but NO RAIN!

I can't believe my mother forced me to put on those embarassing antlers. Well my friends I'm gonna go I'm wasting precious time on here so sorry if that sounded rude. Take care and enjoy your Christmas dinner and presents.
Merry Christmas,
Ozzy and my mom

You guys look SO handsome. Have a great first Christams together
Ozzy, Romeo and Family,
I wish you a blesed, safe and joyous holiday!
from your pal, Mackie and family
Merry Christmas to you too Ozzy & Romeo - and to your family as well. I hope 2007 is full of bones and treats for all :-)
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