Wow I can't believe what a fun few days we've had here at my home. First let me show you what was landing in my park which is just up the street from my home. Now I'm not sure if this was a cake for Axel's mom's Bday or what but it sure was neat to see. 
Then there were other balloons floating around near my home too and I just thought they were the coolest things to see. So then the fun came Tuesday morning when we heard the famous phrase "let's go boys time for a car ride!" Well let me tell you something that is definitely music to my ears. WE got to go to our favorite place Mills Mansion.
Oh the fun we had running around and smelling and SWIMMING! We got to swim and cool off.
The walk was a blast we got to smell some lovely spots and I even tried to eat some goose poop. Yep that didn't go over well. But I did get to take a spin around the giant lawn oh I wish we could have gone free and ran around that big lawn.
Mom says you can see a smile on my face. I don't see it any but then again I'm not really sure if I see it myself. This is the most fun I could have had all day. Swimming and running around in a circle. Over and over again. Well folks I'm going to enjoy my evening. Have a good week.
Wirey hugs,
Looks like a really great day! Hope you are having a good rest. Do you think we could rent that balloon for Asta NY's birthday next month? I think she might like it!
Looks like you had LOTS of fun! I love seeing photos of dogs running! J x
Wow that looks like fun and looks like us at play( we never get to go off lead either,I say UNFAIR! I think Gus has an idea going there(for Asta's birthday!) Love,Archie + Agatha
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