Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lovely first post in a long while

Wow has it been a while or what? I've decided to come back on my blog because I miss doing this and the community it offers. I am honestly on Facebook a lot and with two names because Facebook likes to delete me quite often.
Mom is in her final year at community college and then it is on to the four year school along with her masters. She says it feels like forever and I have to agree with her on that since I don't see her as often.

We do a lot of walks though so really I can't complain and she does try to get me out to do more stuff than I did before. Romeo is no longer with us he is in his forever home and has been there for almost two years now. They adore him and he really lucked out and that's all we could ever ask for.

I do have a new favorite toy. It is one of those stuffless toys and it is in the shape of my nemesis the skunk. It is so cool to shake it around and beat it up and just tear it to smithereens. You know like that one who I should have killed four years ago for sparying me. I still can not believe that bastard for making me endure all those frickin' baths to get its horrid smell off of me. So I've been having fun with that. Though I admit I did get in trouble last night for getting a bit too rambunctious and growling at mom a little too loudly. Oh man she took it away from me for a little while. Said something about needing a time out. WHAT?!

We have this cool place we go for walks frequently it's near the house and it's in the back of a recreation park and I am mostly there by myself. I love it because mom will sometimes let me off lead if it is early enough and we know there are no doggies around. Plus her favorite part is watching me do what terriers do best and that's hunt!! Oh and then after that we end up in a soccer field where I run and run and run and then I'm the best puppy ever or so mom says whatever that's supposed to mean.

It's shocking to me that I just recently turned 5. Mom says she can't believe she's had me for that long and that she's lucky to have had me during all that's gone on in our lives. I couldn't agree with her more.

We finally found out what my itches are about. . . . I'm allergic to soy. Mom found me a new doctor and he took one look at me and said the poor boys allergic to soy he looks just like my dog did. He ran a test and WOOHOO my itchies are gone. Mom says now she can really tell if something has soy in it since I've been soy free for almost a month and she said it's because my body turns pink and I itch like a maniac. Thankfully the good doctor gave mom some steriods to use if I get too bad. They also found another tick some mom just had him put me on antibiotics since this is not my first tick bite or my last and we all know how easy it is to get lyme disease and whatever else is out there.

Well I'm going to end this lovely first post in a long while. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to visit everyone else's pages while mom is still in school but expect a posting more frequently.

Wirey hugs,


Gus said...

Ozzy: We miss ya on the blogosphere, but we understand how Moms/Muzzers can be sometimes.....you just can't make them earn their kibble easily.

Your walks sound lovely. We get more walkies here because I have taken a dislike to the yard and will not pee or poo here. hehehehe

But none sound as fascinating as yours!


pee ess...we are marking my fifth gotcha year and fifth year blogging starting tomorrow. Stop by please?


Unknown said...

Welcome back Oz Man!

Asta said...

So wondewful to heaw fwom you and all that youw Mom has accomplished since you last wote and WoooHooo no owe itchies..that is good news! now if you would just pleez put up a gpowgeous photo of youw handsome self..I'll be totally happy
smoochie kisses

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Sweet Ozzy...we were soooooo glad to see your post!! We always loved you and dear Romeo...we know he's been very happy in his new home...we terriers sometimes just don't get along.....so glad that you were able to find a lovely home for him!

Soy, huh? We have a lotta doggies in blogland who have horrid itchies...will pass that along as we've heard that they are adding more and more soy to products and more dogs are becoming allergic to it...yeesch...Stan gets itchies, mostly in the winter...

Love to your mom sweetie...Scruffy's turning five in March...Mumsie's in denial...

Lotsa love,

Lacie and Stan and Scruffy also

Anonymous said...

It's rough, not seeing your Mom so much. But learning is good, for dogs and humans both -- be it commands, techniques, or just new ways of doing things. It keeps life from becoming dull; it's never the same old, same old.
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dog beds and more

Unknown said...

A very warm welcome Ozzy..i am more than glad to see you again blogging. continue your exclusive blogging.
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lildogomine said...
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Anonymous said...

Good to know about your blog you have shared such a nice and useful info community.
Thanks for sharing..
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