Hello my friends,
I have finally found some time to get on here. Mom has sent a very revealing picture of me to our friends at the Wire Fox Terrier lists. I'm not too pleased with this so I figured I'd counter balance this with posting the picture here.
Yes my brother was the cop and for some reason which I'm not too sure on I am a convict.
Are they trying to say I'm perpetually bad? I'm really not sure. The guy holding the leashes is of course my father who is a huge FSU fanatic. Mom bought him the shirt and is getting ready to buy him his latest shirts from them. In this photo we were all in New Paltz for our friends at Paws of Distinction's annual Halloween Parade. We had such a great time. People kept coming up and saying how cute we were. Not to mention one lady took a picture of us. How cool is that? We also did the local rail trail which was right next door to the store. It was awfully muggy that day. Mom says that we will be able to go on our own rail trail in the near future near us. Apparently there is one opening up next month and mom is going to the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow. How cool is that going to be? She promises walkies as often as possible and weather permitting. I did mention the new bed we got for the new home right? Well here is the latest picture of us snuggled up in our beds while they are watching TV and obviously taking pictures of us.
They are a bit obsessed with taking our pictures lately. I really don't get it. If you're wondering about the blanket it's usually used to cover up Romeo he's a bit odd that way and likes to be covered and burrowed under the blankets. Go figure. He's a bit odd that way.
Mom has even mentioned to dad that now that we have this camcorder we should figure out how to get it to load onto our computer. Oh geez not another thing to have lugged around. I am a bit scraggly looking but I hear I am due for a visit to my friend the groomer. Mom assures me it's only for a light trim down since I'll need my fur this winter to keep warm. Thank goodness. She's even adamant that Grandma not be allowed to try grooming me or to let me get cut short like last year in the freezing cold. I am sooo thankful for that. That was not fun last year and mom has learned not to listen to my grandmother.
Well I'm outta here I would like to get my daily run in and mom hates to be kept waiting. Take care all and hope you had a Happy Halloween.
Wirey hugs,
Ozzy, maybe next year you can trade costumes??? Anyway, it's a cute look for both of you.
William Tell
Hey Ozzy, I think your costume is the best of the two! J x
Hey Ozzy, your costume looks very comfy
~ Girl girl
woofies Ozzy, nice to meeted u...
b safe,
Ozzie, sorry we are so late on catching up, but we have been crazy and the rest of life not much better. We love the costumes, but if you really don't like them, Teka will come and eat significant portions of them for you.
Happy Birfday a little early. Never like to wait until the last minute to raise my glass and toast another pup on his special day.
Have a great one.
Love, Mary-Margaret
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