Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24, 2006

Hello my friends,
Well, I am posting today after taking a few days off. Mom and Dad took me to this new place today called the Mills Mansion well they told me now it's actually called Staatsburgh. Mom says when she was growing up it was called Mills Mansion after this rich couple by the last name of Mills. Well we went down to the gorgeous Hudson River and I got to swim in it and drink from it. Then we went towards the gardens which looked like my backyard lawn. When mom and dad heard this deep growl from deep in the forest. Mom made dad leave because she swears it sounded like a bear. Mom found out just now from Grandma that they have spotted a bear just a few miles away. Oh man do bears spray like those nasty skunks? Mom had assured me they don't spray but would have tried to eat me! Ha!! I laugh at anyone that thinks they can eat me!
Well I joined a few others on the blogging world and signed myself up for I couldn't resist. I'm an ego fiend and love making new friends. Speaking of new friends. . . mom took me for a walk yesterday afternoon since it was soo nice and not yucky out like it has been and I met up with my buddy Oreo. While walking with my bud I met this gorgeous bitch named Neela(I'm not sure if that's how she spells her name) she is a rescued greyhound and she lives with her sweet mommy Elena(mom's not sure if she spelled that right for me either). Her mom offered to let me run around with her so apparently we can tire each other out. Man does she not know how much energy I have. Mom has been checking out my back paw and it's a bit sore I will admit this but I don't believe she needs to keep prodding at it nor do I want to go see the doctor. She did mention something about letting grandma look at it. Man she's relentless. I wanted to wish a belated happy 4th birthday to my friend Snickers. Her mom had a birthday party and made her a cake. I have to wonder since I will be hitting a year old in November will I be getting a cake wonder if mom knows how to bake a cake just for puppies like me? I sure hope so. I wanted to say to my buddy Axel man stop biting I know I know easier said than done but then again it is a good excuse to get a new chew toy. I will have to keep that trick in mind. I do hope you feel better pal. Mom says that lotion the vet gave you guys sounds scary. Might make you sick? She says WTF?! Oh to my sweetie Fee get your butt online more and post! I also hope her parents are posting enough to give me a good read. Also to my friend Pip who is having a bit of a flatulence problem(hehehe gas what's wrong with that?!) I hope you feel better mom said something about you having a few other problems that she said were not to be mentioned on my blog.
My dear Grandmother walked me this AM and she said I looked so pathetic with my body stretching and then I had to wipe the sleepers from my eyes. Well she would too if she slept in my mom and dads new comfy bed. She's gotta know by now I am not a morning pup! Oh and pathetic? How is that the nice way to describe your favorite grandson?
Well I better get going since I need to get walked and fed. Hope all of you are doing well.
I think when grams gets home I will be hiding myself and my paw so she won't play doctor with me.

Your pal,


Gus said...

Watch out for the Vet! You could end up with a pink bandage like mine! What a humiliation! Today I got a nice beige one that disappears into my fur. I am feeling better and hope to lose the bandage in a week or so. Stop licking, stop chewing.

Life with Ozzy said...

OMG Gus a pink bandage? Don't they have any other color? That pin is for girls. Grandma looked at it and saw that I'm just raw there from the hike we did yesterday. So they're applying some antibiotic cream to keep it from getting infected then she said it's got a few days to heal or we're going to the vet. Oh they better heal.